Disc Reversible Ridger & Bedder 3-Point – DOS

Disc Reversible Ridger & Bedder 3-Point – DOS

The Erdvark Reversible Disc Ridger & Bedder is a versatile multi-purpose implement for making trenches and ridges. By reversing the gangs it can cut down its own ridges and close trenches. It is ideal for row cultivation in existing crops, vineyards and orchards. Disc spacing 8″ (203 mm), 9″ (228 mm) and 11″ (280mm). The units are fitted with 560mm, 660mm and the all-new aggressive 710mm discs units.

About all the new purchases choose this method of ridge building with an RTK equipped Tractor. The ridges can be built at high speed. The DOS range is the only Ridger on the market that is capable of servicing the service road and ridges.


  1. On the Erdvark Reversible Disc Harrow all adjustments, width, disc angles and tilting of discs, can easily be done by removing and replacing pins without any tools. The new and bigger models are fitted with a ridged and wider mainframe.
  2. Discs gangs can be adjusted to plough inwards or outwards with upwards or downwards angles.
  3. The Erdvark bearing unit requires no lubrication, fitted on 32 mm or 45mm high tensile disc axles.
  4. Erdvark guarantees that no dust and sand can enter bearing-unit under normal working conditions due to Floating Duo-cone seals.
  5. The Erdvark Reversible Disc Harrow is fitted with 22”(560 mm), 26″ (660mm) and the new 28″ (710mm) notched discs with mud scrapers.
  6. The DOS is unique that is one of the only implements that can service the ridge and inner row. You can spread lime, gypsum, fertilizer and Compost and work it up the ridge to keep the balance up to standard on your ridges.
Model No   Discs Disc Size.  Mass (kg) Working Width (m) Disc Spacing (mm) Average Tractor Req. (kW)
DOS 8-6 6 22″(560mm) 395 3.10 203 30 – 40
DOS 8-8 8 22″(560mm) 420 3.20 203 40 – 50
DOS 8-10 10 22″(560mm) 455 3.30 203 40 – 60
DOS 9-8 8 26″(660mm)  650 3.60 228 60 – 70
DOS9-10 10 26″(660mm) 700 3.80 228 70 – 80
DOS11-8 8 28″(710mm) 800 6.50 280 70 – 110
DOS11-10 10 28″(710mm) 1500 7.00 280 90 – 120
DOS11-12 12 28″(710mm) 1765 7.50 280 100 – 140
DOS11-14 14 28″(710mm) 2030 8.00 280 110 – 160
DOS11-16 16 28″(710mm) 2300 8.50 280 130 – 180
